Download Bad Santa
(comedy, crime)
"Bad Santa" is the story of two conmen who go on a road trip to malls dressed as Santa and his elf. Rather than spreading good cheer, the duo's motive is to rob each establishment, a strategy that becomes complicated when they encounter an 8-year-old who teaches them the true meaning of Christmas..
Billy Bob Thornton | as Willie |
Tony Cox | as Marcus |
Brett Kelly | as The Kid |
Lauren Graham | as Sue |
Lauren Tom | as Lois |
Bernie Mac | as Gin |
John Ritter | as Bob Chipeska |
Ajay Naidu | as Hindustani Troublemaker |
Lorna Scott | as Milwaukee Mother |
Harrison Bieker | as Milwaukee Boy |
Alex Borstein | as Milwaukee Mom with Photo |
Dylan Charles | as Milwaukee Bratty Boy |
Billy Gardell | as Milwaukee Security Guard |
Lisa Ross | as Milwaukee Bartender |
Bryan Callen | as Miami Bartender |
Terry Zwigoff
See also: Comedy: Two for the Road
See also: Billy Bob Thornton in On Deadly Ground
See also Comedy Cat in the Hat, The