Download Dead End
(crime, drama, short).
The true story of 4 men found dead in an apartment in new jersey and how years later a video tape was discovered in new york city solved this brutal crime...the tape, found in a video camera in a pawn shop, cleared the names of the suspected killers..
Brad Bognar | as Gun Dealer |
Marc A. Campanel | as Kyle Fabian |
Jason Cassebaum | as Detective 1 |
John Colasanti | as Chief John Colasanti |
Eric Escobar | as Thief 1 |
Johnathan Heftner | as Himself |
Navin Jarecha | as Himself |
Kyle Lesko | as Nick Stolkes |
Rich Parachini | as Terrence milton |
Matthew J. Pellowski | as Reese Palen |
Michael J. Pellowski | as Caretaker |
Dennis Russo | as John Bland |
Steve Simcoe | as Gay Carl |
Michael Spahr | as Officer Fred Rizzie |
Ronnie Stevenson | as Hamp Henderson |
Matthew J. Pellowski
See also: Crime: Red Letters